અમારી શાળા વિશે

Sanvav Prathmik Shala is the only School in village Sanvav of Girgadhada Taluka of Gir Somnath District. The School governed by Jila Shikshan Samiti,Jila Panchayat,Gir Somnath.

             Currently 528 students are studying in the school in standard 1 to 8. A head teacher and 13 teachers are presently working in the school. The school has 15 classrooms,proper sanitation facility for boys-girls and staff. pure drinking water is available for all in the school. Computer lab is equipped with 11 computers provided by Government and other 3 by Donner.school has sufficient play ground for games as well as athletics.Mid-Day-Meal provided as per government norms to the students.Students get other benefits like  free textbooks,free uniform and scholarship. 
Postal Address :

At & Post : Sanvav,
Taluko - Girgadhada
District : Gir Somnath
Gujarat, India.
PIN 362530
Contact : 8347244699